◦ Maintenance: Android target SDK updated to 34
◦ Bugfix: OS-specific bugfixes for Android 14
◦ Maintenance: Billing library updated to 6.0.1
◦ Maintenance: SDK adjustment for Android 12 (API-Level 31) ◦ Feature: cancelling subscriptions from inside the app ◦ Maintenance: switching from Google Analytics 4 to Firebase Analytics ◦ Maintenance: limit of 1000 in app products / automatic removal of old IAPs ◦ Bugfix: OS-specific bugfixes for Android 12
3.39 ◦ Bugfix: various crashes fixed ◦ Bugfix: Magazine download does not start ◦ Bugfix: Login problems with SSO apps ◦ Bugfix: Activation of the magazines does not work after an update ◦ Bugfix: PAK activation not complete via article view ◦ Bugfix: Blurred display in PDF view ◦ Bugfix: Magazine title not complete after activation ◦ Bugfix: Improved synchronization with the server
3.36 / 3.37 ◦ Bug fixes
3.35 ◦ Feature: Auth session renewal on SSO apps
•3.34 ◦ Update: Adopted Google 's new Billing Library Version 3
• 3.33 ◦ Bugfix: Download problems in the mobile network ◦ Bugfix: Mobile network crashes ◦ Bugfix: Read mode not available for registered users ◦ Bugfix: Download box is missing when downloading ◦ Bugfix: Crashlog fixes
•3.32 ◦ Feature: French labels added
3.31 ◦ Theme: Loading Bar Customization
3.30 ◦ Bugfix: Loading problem in the item view
3.29 ◦ Feature: Live website tab renaming
3.28 ◦ Feature: In-App Rating has been introduced
3.27 ◦ Bugfix: Crash in read mode and re-activation of subscription codes ◦ Search in offline mode
3.26 ◦ Bugfix: Crash when opening articles
3.25 ◦ Bugfix: Stability improvement/ crashes
3.24 ◦ Feature: Adoption of customer domains in article export and article recommendation ◦ Feature: Whitelisting of customer domains in the web view ◦ Bug: App crash when reading offline in article view ◦ Design: Optimized cover display under Loaded Issues ◦ Bug: Articles without images were not loaded ◦ Bug: Scrolling in article on Android 7
3.23 ◦ Design: HTML5 article view ◦ Feature: Group overview
3.22 ◦ Feature: Teiltreffer in der Suchfunktion ◦ Feature: Google Analytics 360 - Integration mit Firebase Analytics